I've been accused lately of being a prudish, stuck-up asexual who doesn't even see the opposite sex. One out of three. Good job, accusers. I'm not stuck-up, at least I don't think so, and not asexual so much as just not interested right this second. However, I do tend to be a prude, evidenced by the fact that at sixteen years of age I have not yet kissed a boy.
Current Concerns with Male Population:
1) I appear to have a stalker. He's two years younger than me, so I classify him as more overly enthusiastic than actually dangerous. But still, when he can say, "In all the pictures I have of you you're sitting in front of a computer," things are a little creepy. I'm not quite sure what to do about him, considering that the last time I tried to let a boy down easy I almost made him cry. (Or maybe I did. I didn't stick around long enough to find out.) Suggestions range from 'tell him to stop waving at you in your classes' to 'get a restraining order'. What do you think, cyberspace?
2) This second concern is related to the first. I moved to a new school last year and met this guy who manages to be both kind and extremely smart. We're friends; actually, since most of the girls at school won't talk to me for reasons I don't know, he's one of my only friends. And I'm interested in him despite the fact that he's about a year older than me and about to become an adult. However, he is greatly amused by my stalker's antics. Or, rather, my reactions to said antics. I don't know what I want from him and that's the problem. With most guys, I know exactly what I want, like someone to laugh with during my ridiculous English teacher's classes or someone to sing the choir music for the festival I'm technically not supposed to be attending with. Friends would be awesome, but so would dating. He follows just about the same moral code as I do, so the never-been-kissed status might not be threatened if we did date.
3) Mr. Can-of-Worms himself. Don't get me wrong. I love this guy dearly, but right now he's so full of drama that I don't see how we can have any kind of rational relationship. He dated a girl for three months and then broke up with her. On one hand I'm glad because she was bad for him but on the other this opens up a whole new can of worms. His mum suspects that another girl was involved in the breakup. I'm just waiting to see where this one goes.
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